Commercial Auto Insurance in Hickory, NC

Davis Insurance Group, located in Hickory, North Carolina, offers specialized guidance in finding the right commercial auto insurance policy tailored to your business’s unique needs. Contact us today for a detailed quote. 

When Is Commercial Auto Insurance Required? 

Commercial auto insurance is essential in various scenarios, particularly when the following is true: 

  • Vehicles are used for business purposes, including transportation of goods, equipment or passengers. 
  • Vehicles are registered under a company name. 
  • Employees operate a vehicle to conduct business. 

What Does Commercial Auto Insurance Cover? 

Commercial auto insurance policies are designed to provide coverage tailored to the needs of businesses. They may help cover the following: 

  • Liability for bodily injury and property damage—This is essential for legal protection if your business vehicle is involved in an accident. 
  • Uninsured motorist coverage—This protects against losses caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers. 
  • Physical damage to the vehicle—This includes collision and comprehensive coverage, which may help repair or replace the business vehicle if damaged. 

The specifics of what a commercial car insurance policy covers can vary, so discussing your needs with an insurance professional is crucial. 

Contact Us 

At Davis Insurance Group, our team specializes in providing commercial auto insurance solutions. Contact us to discuss your requirements and get a commercial auto insurance quote. 

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